Sunday 20 January 2013

the Olympic torch... what a coincidence

….there are just amazing things that happen in one’s life,… you just can’t foresee them,…  and this is one of those moments,….
….the Olympic torch approaching the port of Dover on this tiny little boat just as we were entering the dock on our ferry from Dunkirk (July 18th 2012 at 1800)! ….we were slowly approaching the port along side with the Olympic torch boat for about 30minutes…. it was one of the best coincidences that I have ever experienced…. 

Monday 14 January 2013

Friday 19 October 2012

our Zaza

Our constant car companion Zaza the giraffe
Even before we bought our car we decided we would have some kind of a stuffed animal in it as a mascot.
We found this beautiful giraffe and this is her story of traveling with us.
We love you Zaza :)

Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Castle Rihemberk, Branik, Slovenia
